Monthly Membership Webinar – 2nd Wednesday of each month
CRONA Nurses – join us for the monthly online membership meeting. Hear the latest and have the opportunity to ask your questions.
Complete contracts and PNDP documents for SHC and LPCH for 2022-2025 are now available online! It always takes a few months to get the final published version of the contracts online. Make sure to familiarize yourself with our contracts – when you know your contract, you know your rights!
CRONA’s Mission and Purposes
CRONA is a tax-exempt nonprofit labor organization. We seek to advance working conditions, health care, and social welfare.
The Purposes of CRONA are to provide representation in collective bargaining with the Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital and their respective satellite facilities (all collectively referred to hereafter as “Hospitals”) in matters of wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions; adjusting differences between the Hospitals and CRONA members; promoting and supporting high levels of professional performance and patient care; engaging in any activities, including the following objectives, which are related to and will foster the above purposes.
CRONA engages in activities to support and foster these purposes and to obtain the following objectives:
- To maintain high standards in the provision of patient care and work for the improvement of health standards.
- To assess continually the economic and working welfare of CRONA members, and to improve these areas through collective bargaining.
- To keep lines of communication open with the membership regarding matters concerning the Hospitals and CRONA.
- To identify the educational needs of CRONA members and to work with appropriate groups to provide programs to ensure the currency of practice.
- To bring associations of Registered Nurses into relations of mutual assistance and cooperation and to encourage participation and membership in professional organizations.
- To provide for the continuing education of CRONA members concerning their rights as stated under the current collective bargaining agreements.

CRONA Benefits

We advocate for nurses on an individual basis, for Stanford and Packard Nurses collectively, and advocate for a strong Nursing voice in patient care.

We have a stronger voice when we speak and act together. Our unity is our strength. We are able to do more for nurses, for nursing, and for patient care because of our unity.

We negotiate contracts that protect our working conditions, wages, and benefits. Our goal is to make nursing a sustainable career, to recruit and retain Nurses, and to provide excellent patient care.

Story Bank

CRONA is all of us, all of the nurses, and every aspiring nurse who want to work here. We’re fighting for ourselves, we’re fighting for nursing, we’re even fighting for our community. When we fight it’s not just for the 5000 nurses here. It’s patients I’m here for but it’s also our profession. They go hand in hand.

CRONA is all of us, all of the nurses, and every aspiring nurse who want to work here. We’re fighting for ourselves, we’re fighting for nursing, we’re even fighting for our community. When we fight it’s not just for the 5000 nurses here. It’s patients I’m here for but it’s also our profession. They go hand in hand.